Work in Kyushu (LINE WORKS) application form

【If you are a first-time user, please enter the following information】

  • Submit the application form
  • You will receive a confirmation email from LINE WORKS after 1-2 days The subject line is "You have been invited to Kyushu-g. The subject line is "You are invited to participate in Kyushu-g"
  • A temporary password has been set, please change it to your password
  • Now, let's access your account on LINE WORKS with your ID and password!

*If you have forgotten your ID or password, please contact us at or 092-725-9201

LINE WORKS application form

  1. Input information
  2. Confirm information
  3. Application form finished
  4. Log in to LINE WORKS

For people using this for the first time please fill out the application form below.
Work in Kyushu can be used by international who are in Japanese universities, graduate school, junior college, technical colleges and vocational schools.
The pink parts are the info that companies can see. Write a lot to PR yourself.
*You cannot use single- byte symbols;「"」「'」「<」「>」「&」

  • Basic information

    4-20 alphanumeric characters username

  • Contact info(This info will not be displayed on LINE WORKS.)

    Enter half-width numbers (no hyphen)
    House phone(if any)

Language Proficiency(Conversation)

Japanese language ability
  • Indicate mutiple qualifications(if any)

Write within 100words

Self introduction

Write within 150words

Terms of Service for “Work in Kyushu”

These Terms of service (hereinafter referred to as “the Terms”) establish the terms and conditions for the services (hereinafter referred to as the “the Service”) provided on this website by 九州グローバル人材活用促進協議会 (hereinafter referred to as the “the Council”). The users (hereinafter referred to as “the Users”) will utilize Service in accordance with Terms.

Article 1 (Application)

  1. 1. The Terms shall apply to any relationship relating to the use of the Service between the User and the Council.
  2. 2. The Council may make various provisions (hereinafter referred to as “the Individual Provisions”) regarding the Service. The Individual Rules, regardless of their names, form part of the Terms.
  3. 3. If the provisions of the Terms contradict the provisions of the Individual Provisions, the provisions of the Individual Provisions shall take precedence unless otherwise specified in the Individual Provisions.

Article 2 (Users)

The Users must fall into one of the following:

  1. 1. Person who performs job hunting
    1. (1) International students enrolled in universities, graduate schools, junior colleges, or technical colleges.
    2. (2) Foreigner who graduated from universities, graduate schools, junior colleges, or technical colleges, and then finds a job.
  2. 2. Person who performs recruitment activities
    1. Companies or Organizations that have headquarters, branch offices or offices in 7 prefectures of Kyushu (Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, and Kagoshima).

Article 3 (Registration)

  1. 1. In the Service, the applicants for registration agree to the Terms and applies for the use registration by the method stipulated by the Council, and the registration will be completed when the Council notifies the applicant of this approval.
  2. 2. The Council may not approve the application for registration if the Council determines that the applicant falls under any of the following, and is not obliged to disclose any reasons.
    1. (1)When the applicant reported false information for applying
    2. (2)When the application is from a person who has violated the Terms
    3. (3)In addition, when the Council determines that registration is not appropriate

Article 4 (Management of User ID and Password)

  1. 1. The Users shall appropriately manage the user ID and password of the Service at his or her own risk.
  2. 2. In any case, the Users cannot transfer or rent the user ID and password to, or share it with a third party. If the user ID and password matches the registered information and this user is logged in, the Council will determine the use of the user ID by the user themselves.
  3. 3. Damage caused by the use of a user ID and password by a third party will not be held responsible by the Council unless the Council is intentionally or severe negligence.

Article 5 (Usage Charge)

The Service is available free of charge.

Article 6 (Prohibited Matters)

The Users must not perform the following actions when using the Service.

  1. 1. Actions that violate laws or public order and morals
  2. 2. Actions related to criminal acts
  3. 3. Actions that destroy or interfere with the servers or network functions of the Council, the Users, or third parties
  4. 4. Actions that may interfere with the operations of the Service
  5. 5. Actions that collect or accumulate personal information related to the Users
  6. 6. Actions that make or attempt unauthorized access
  7. 7. Actions that impersonate other users
  8. 8. Actions that directly or indirectly provide benefits to anti-social groups in connection with the Service
  9. 9. Actions that infringe on the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy, honor and other rights or interests of the Council, the Users or third parties
  10. 10. Actions that post or transmit on content that include or the Council determines to include the following:
    1. (1)Displays of overly violence
    2. (2)Displays of explicit sexual content
    3. (3)Displays that lead to discrimination based on race, nationality, creed, gender, social status, lineage, etc.
    4. (4)Displays that induce or encourage suicide, self-harm, or drug abuse
    5. (5)Displays with anti-social content that makes other people uncomfortable
  11. 11. Acts that are aimed at or the Council determines it is aimed at to the following:
    1. (1)Acts aimed at sales, advertising, soliciting, and other for-profit activities (except those approved by the Council)
    2. (2)Acts aimed at sexual or obscene
    3. (3)Acts aimed at meeting and companioning with the opposite sex
    4. (4)Acts aimed at harassing or slandering other users
    5. (5)Acts aimed at causing disadvantage, damage or discomfort to the Council, other users, or third parties
    6. (6)Other acts that use the Service for purposes other than the original purpose
  12. 12. Acts with religious activities or solicitation to religious organizations
  13. 13. Other acts that the Council determines inappropriate

Article 7 (Suspension of Service)

  1. 1. The Council can suspend or interrupt the provision of all or parts of the Service without notifying the Users in advance if the Council determines that there is any of the following:
    1. (1)When performing maintenance, inspection or updating the computer system related to the Service
    2. (2)When it becomes difficult to provide the Service due to irresistible forces such as an earthquake, lightning, fire, blackout or natural disaster
    3. (3)When a computer or communication line stops due to an accident
    4. (4)When the Council determines it difficult to provide the Service etc.
  2. 2. The Council shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage suffered by the Users or third parties due to suspension or interruption of the Service.

Article 8 (Copyright)

  1. 1. The Users may post only for information such as texts, images and videos that have the necessary intellectual property rights that are copyrighted by himself or herself, or that are authorized to use by the rights holder.
  2. 2. The copyright of texts, images, videos, etc. posted by the Users on the Service shall be reserved by the user or the other rights holder. However, to the extent necessary for improving the Service, improving quality, correcting deficiencies, promoting the Service, etc., the Council will be able to use the copyright, and the user shall not enforce the moral rights of this use.
  3. 3. Except as stipulated on the preceding paragraph, all copyrights and other intellectual property rights related to the Service and all information related to the Service shall be granted to the Council or to the right holder who has permitted its use. The user must not copy, transfer, lend, translate, modify, reprint, transmit (including enabling transmission), distribute, publish, or use it without permission.

Article 9 (Usage Restrictions and Deregistration)

  1. 1. The Council shall be able to delete the posting, restrict all or part of the Service, or deregister the Users without prior notice if the Users fall under any of the following:
    1. (1)When the Users violate any provision of the Terms
    2. (2)When it becomes clear that there is a false fact in the registered information
    3. (3)When there is no response for a certain period in response to the communication from the Council
    4. (4)When the Service has not been used for more than 180 days from the last use
    5. (5)In addition, when the Council judges that the use of the Service is inappropriate
  2. 2. The Council assumes no responsibility for any damage caused to the Users due to the acts conducted by the Council based on the preceding paragraph.

Article 10 (Withdrawal)

The Users shall be able to withdraw from the Service through the procedure established by the Council.

Article 11 (Disclaimer)

  1. 1. The Council makes no warranty, express or implied, that the Service is free from any de facto or legal defect (including safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, fitness for a particular purpose, security or other defects, errors or bugs, any infringements, etc.).
  2. 2. The Council shall not be liable for any damages from special circumstances caused to the Users as a result of default of the Service or the negligence (excluding gross negligence) of the Council, including cases in which the Council or the Users foresee or could foresee the occurrence.
  3. 3. The Council shall not liable for any transactions, communications or disputes, etc. arising between the user and other users or third parties regarding the Service.

Article 12 (Change of Content)

The Council shall be able to change the contents of the Service or cancel the provision of the Service without notifying the Users, and shall not be liable for any damage caused to the Users by this.

Article 13 (Change of the Terms)

The Council may change the Terms at any time without notifying the Users if deemed necessary. In addition, after changing the Terms, the Council shall determine the Users have agreed to the revised content.

Article 14 (Treat of Personal Information)

The Council shall treat personal information acquired through the use of the Service appropriately in accordance with the Council's “Privacy Policy.”

Article 15 (Notification or Contact)

  1. 1. Notification or contact between the Users and the Council shall be made by the method prescribed by the Council.
  2. 2. The Council notifies the currently registered contact information, which deemed as the accessible contact information, and recognizes that the content transmitted has reached the Users at the time of transmission, unless there is no change notification from the Users.

Article 16 (Prohibition of Assignment of Rights and Obligations)

The Users must not transfer their rights or obligations based on the Terms third parties, or use them as collateral.

Article 17 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

  1. 1. Japanese law shall be the governing law for the interpretation of the Terms.
  2. 2. In the event of a dispute regarding the Service, the district court that has jurisdiction over the location of the Council shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

「Work in Kyushu」Privacy Policy

九州グローバル人材活用促進協議会 (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”) establish the privacy policy (hereinafter “the Policy”) as follows regarding the Service provided, for treating of the Users' personal information.

Article 1 (Personal Information)

“Personal Information” means “Personal Information” as referred to in the Personal Information Protection Law, and is the living individuals’ personally identifiable information from name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact information, appearance, fingerprint, voiceprint data, and health insurance card insurer number, etc.

Article 2 (How to Collect Personal Information)

The Council may ask for personal information such as name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address, residence card, student ID card, etc. when a user registers.

Article 3 (Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information)

The purposes of collecting and using personal information are as follows.

  1. 1. To provide and operate the Service
  2. 2. To answer inquiries from the Users (including identity verification)
  3. 3. To send emails about the new functions, update information, and other services provided by the Council
  4. 4. To notify maintenance and important notices as necessary
  5. 5. To identify and deregister users who have violated the Terms or who intend to use the service for fraudulent or unfair purposes
  6. 6. To allow users to view, change, delete, or view the usage status of their registered information
  7. 7. Other purposes associated with the above

Article 4 (Change of Purpose of Use)

  1. 1. The Council shall change the purpose of use of personal information only when it is reasonably recognized that the purpose of use is relevant to the purpose before change.
  2. 2. The Council shall notify the Users of the purpose after change or announce it on the website by the method prescribed by the Council.

Article 5 (Provision of Personal Information to A Third Party)

  1. 1. The Council will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the Users, except in the following cases; unless permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws.
    1. (1)When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property and difficult to obtain the consent of the Users
    2. (2)When it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or child caring and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the Users
    3. (3)When it is necessary to cooperate the acts stipulated by laws and regulations of a national institution or local public organization or a person entrusted by it, and when there is a risk of trouble through the consent of the Users.
    4. (4)When the following matters have been notified or announced in advance and the Council has reported to the Personal Information Protection Committee:
      1. ①Facts that the purpose of use includes the provision to third parties
      2. ②Items provided to third parties
      3. ③Means or method of provision to third parties
      4. ④Facts that providing personal information to third parties will be stopped by the request of the person
      5. ⑤How to accept the request of the person
  2. 2. Regardless of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the receiver of the information shall not be a third party in the following cases.
    1. (1)When the Council entrusts all or part of the treating of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use
    2. (2)When personal information is provided in connection with project succession due to organizational reform or other reasons
    3. (3)When the Council notifies the person in advance of sharing the personal information jointly with a specific person, of the items of personal information shared jointly, of the range of those who are jointly shared, and of the purpose of sharing, and of the name the person responsible for management of the personal information, or when the personal information is placed in a state where the person easily find out.

Article 6 (Disclosure of Personal Information)

  1. 1. When the person requests to disclose personal information, the Council shall disclose it to the person immediately and with no fee. However, all or part of it may not be disclosed if the disclosure applies to one of the following. If the Council makes a decision not to disclose the information, it shall notify the person immediately.
    1. (1)When there is a risk of harming life, body, property or other rights and interests of the person or third parties
    2. (2)When there is a risk of significant obstruction to the proper implementation of the work of the Council
    3. (3)When it violates other laws and regulations
  2. 2. Regardless of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, information other than personal information such as history or specific information will not be disclosed in principle.

Article 7 (Correction and Deletion of Personal Information)

  1. 1. If the personal information held by the Council is incorrect, the Users may request correction, addition or deletion (hereinafter “Correction, etc.”) of the personal information in accordance with the procedures established by the Council.
  2. 2. If the Council determines that it is necessary to meet the request from the Users based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Correction, etc. shall be made immediately.
  3. 3. The Council shall notify the Users without del immediately based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph that the Council has made Correction, etc. or decision not to make Correction, etc.

Article 8 (Suspension or Deletion of Use of Personal Information)

  1. 1. The Council shall conduct necessary investigation immediately when the Users request to suspend or delete the use of personal information based on the reasons it is treated beyond the range of the purpose of use or it was acquired by unauthorized means.
  2. 2. If the Council determines that it is necessary to meet the request based on the results of the investigation in the previous paragraph, the Council shall suspend or delete the use of personal information immediately.
  3. 3. The Council shall notify the Users immediately based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph that the Council has made suspension or deletion of the use of personal information, or decision not to make them.
  4. 4. Regardless of the preceding paragraphs, the Council shall take an alternative if there is a large amount of expenses for suspension or deletion, or if it is difficult to make suspension or deletion, and if the Council can take the necessary alternatives to protect rights and interests.

Article 9 (Revision of the Policy)

  1. 1. The contents of the Policy can be revised without notifying the Users except for laws and regulations and other matters stipulated by the Policy.
  2. 2. The Policy revised shall take effect when it is posted on the website except otherwise specified by the Council.

Article 10 (Inquiries)

For inquiries regarding the Policy, please contact the following

Location: 7-7, Higashikoen, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
Organization: Fukuoka Prefectural Local Government
Department in charge: International Policy Division (Secretariat of the Council)


You cannot register if you do not agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right to delete your account without notice if you have not used your account for more than 180 days since your last use after registration.

■You may not receive our email if it marked as spam. Check "Junk mail folder" or the settings of your service and software.
