
Work in Kyushu

Would you like to work in Kyushu?

Registration status and Company Info

  • International student 148
  • Company 101

Manufacturing, Wholesale, Retail, Information and Communications, Accommodation, Food Services, Services, Construction

What you can do using Work in Kyushu

  • 九州で働きたい留学生と九州と九州の企業のアイコン

    Only international students who want to work in Kyushu and Kyushu businesses can register!
  • スマホとパソコンのアイコン

    You can get a lot of job information (full-time, part-time, internships, and company information sessions etc.)
  • 会話しているアイコン

    You can message companies you are interested in directly. You can also get messages from companies too!

Work in Kyushu utilizes LINE WORKS !




You know LINE, right ?
LINE WORKS is the business version of LINE and registered international students and companies can share information with each other.


How do you use LINE WORKS ?


First got to this site and use easy registration.
Then you can use the ID and password to access LINE WORKS.
You can access the content easier, if you download the APP on your PC or phone !


So itʼs important to register first and use the service

Easy Registration

Check out our guide on how to use Work in Kyushu !

See User's Guide

Advice from specialists

  • You can see how the companies and international students were matching at Work in Kyushu!

    You can see how the companies and international students were matching at Work in Kyushu!

    This is the success case of the company named"SB Japan".They participated in the booth at...

  • Don't Miss this Oppotunity! "JOB info market Vol.3" on Feb 25th(Fri) 1pm to 5pm

    Don't Miss this Oppotunity! "JOB info market Vol.3" on Feb 25th(Fri) 1pm to 5pm

      We have been announced the participating companies! "Work in Kyushu" project...

  • ⭐1/21(Fri)Online Job Market Vol.2⭐

    ⭐1/21(Fri)Online Job Market Vol.2⭐

    ​1月21日にWork inKyushu就職情報マーケットVol.2を開催します! ​詳しい内容はコチラ⇩ ​日時:20...